Comunidad Opeth Argentina
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Lo nuevo de KHOMA : ALL ERODES (previa)

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Lo nuevo de KHOMA : ALL ERODES (previa) Empty Lo nuevo de KHOMA : ALL ERODES (previa)

Mensaje por MaxPayne2 Miér Mayo 23, 2012 1:10 pm

As you might already know we´ve been working on a surprise that we were hoping to unleash this spring. About a week ago we finished it, but we´re realizing we wont have time to get it out before summer. And Khoma is not fit for a sunny day anyway. So, we´ve decided to wait.
Early autumn you can expect “All Erodes” – the sequel, and end, to the trilogy Tsunami (2004), The Second wave (2006) and A Final storm (2010). “All Erodes” will be a strictly limited released containing song we´ve written between 2003 and 2010, but that wasn’t featured on the albums. We’ve spent the autumn and spring gathering up, finishing, mixing and mastering songs that felt to good to be withering away and that we wanted to share with those of you who know Khoma best.
So, until then – a brief hint of what’s to come, a sample of Dead seas, a song we wrote in 2004 and finished this spring.
All the best


Edad : 40
Miembro desde : 19/11/2008
Posts : 1519
Localización : Alejandro Korn

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